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Piezo heard with 3-pos switch in mag only position

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 2:34 pm
by DownRight
Hello all,

I was hoping you could share your thoughts with me about something that I recently noticed with my 2003 Mojo.

Code: Select all

Mag volume = 0
Piezo volume = 10
Mag/Piezo 3-way = Piezo only
With the above settings, the piezo is (faintly) heard. If I reverse the above (mag=10, piezo=0, mag/piezo=mag only) everything works as expected and no sound is heard.

I assume the 3-way is at fault... are these somewhat adjustable by bending the contacts in the various positions?

Re: Piezo heard with 3-pos switch in mag only position

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 7:19 pm
by mmmguitar
DownRight wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2023 2:34 pm I assume the 3-way is at fault... are these somewhat adjustable by bending the contacts in the various positions?
Yes. I’m afraid this is a somewhat common issue from 2003-onward; due to the factory making their on/off/on mag/mix/piezo switches by bending the leaf contacts of the 3 way switches they were using for the mag pickups. You’re welcome to try bending and cleaning the switch contacts to see if replacing the switch is unnecessary. I’ve had the push/pull tone pot fall apart on me, as well.

Here’s an article which goes into more detail.

Re: Piezo heard with 3-pos switch in mag only position

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 8:07 pm
by DownRight
Thanks for the reply @mmmguitar. Makes sense, and honestly, I can probably live with it as is since it's pretty subtle. The next time I have it apart I'll take a closer look and see if I can spot the culprit.