Hello from Seattle!
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 11:18 pm
Hi! I've lurked this forum a bit and used some of its resources to make some upgrades (well, changes, anyway) to my V2 Nitefly. I thought I'd finally introduce myself. I bought this Nitefly back in like 2002 as a college student as my first electric guitar, after trying a P-38 in the local Guitar Center and deciding on the spot that I needed a Parker of some kind. The Nitefly was at the sweet spot of affordability for me at the time — I don't know why I splurged on it rather than settling for a P-38 but since part of what I love about it is the fretboard, I'm glad I did. I've always lived in small apartments and condos so don't have room for lots of guitars, but I've never felt the need for another. Probably the best decision I ever made as a college student! 
Originally it was all black but earlier this year I replaced the pickguard and knobs (and strap) with something more playful. I also swapped out the single-coils for some rail humbuckers. Why? Well, I am not a very good guitarist, so why not? I liked the look of them, and I noticed I was mostly using the bridge humbucker in the original configuration. I use this guitar purely for recording and always with a stereo cable, so I also changed the mag/piezo selector to control coil tapping for the new pickups. Later I have a blue Alumitone I'd like to put in for the bridge pickup, and a Free-Way switch I want to put in for the 5-way (if it's not too deep to fit in the body
) but I'm not ready for more open-heart guitar surgery just yet.
I also have a "Hornet" bass as described in this thread but honestly it doesn't have much of what makes the NiteFly so special to me and I'm trying to find a next bass now that I'm an adult with money. Asking about basses people love is one thing I wanted to do here in this forum!

Originally it was all black but earlier this year I replaced the pickguard and knobs (and strap) with something more playful. I also swapped out the single-coils for some rail humbuckers. Why? Well, I am not a very good guitarist, so why not? I liked the look of them, and I noticed I was mostly using the bridge humbucker in the original configuration. I use this guitar purely for recording and always with a stereo cable, so I also changed the mag/piezo selector to control coil tapping for the new pickups. Later I have a blue Alumitone I'd like to put in for the bridge pickup, and a Free-Way switch I want to put in for the 5-way (if it's not too deep to fit in the body

I also have a "Hornet" bass as described in this thread but honestly it doesn't have much of what makes the NiteFly so special to me and I'm trying to find a next bass now that I'm an adult with money. Asking about basses people love is one thing I wanted to do here in this forum!