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Half tempted to buy this knock off parker

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 3:35 am
by Ondoid ... media=COPY

I don’t think I’ll ever find a genuine one in a left handed model. Only one I’ve ever seen a picture of was a black p40 or p42 from an old ad.

This one KINDA looks like a Parker. A little. I like the color

Re: Half tempted to buy this knock off parker

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 8:22 am
by jester700
If the silhouette of the Fly body is what attracts you, go for it. But it looks like that has little of what makes a Parker a Parker, and everything I don't like about the Fly.

The body is the rough shape, but without the extensive routing for comfort and weight relief. The headstock looks like it wouldn't work on hangers. The trem looks like a cheap Floyd copy.

At least the neck joint looks decently comfortable.

Just my thoughts. Good luck; it's hard to be a lefty.

Re: Half tempted to buy this knock off parker

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 1:23 am
by Ondoid
I hear that! Fortunately I’m ambidextrous. I write, throw, play guitar, etc. with either hand just the same so fortunately I’m not screwed by not finding a lefty Parker. I would really like one though! I saw pictures of a P series from a while back that sold already before I could get to it. A P40 I think?

All that work into that knockoff and they put the strap peg in the wrong place haha.

Re: Half tempted to buy this knock off parker

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 2:54 am
by mmmguitar
Tenuously related anecdote: I can do a lot of things just as poorly with either hand. I first learned/taught myself guitar left-handed, then committed to playing right-handed later on once I noticed how few lefty guitar options were available. The beginner benefit was that my left/fretting hand was more dexterous.

Years later, I was telling a lefty friend about how cool Parkers were, and he cut me off with a “$@#% Parker. They don’t make lefties.” At the time, it made me happy to think that I had unknowingly afforded myself the opportunity to play right-handed guitars such as the Parker Fly. But now I think of all the money playing lefty could have saved me.

Re: Half tempted to buy this knock off parker

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 12:57 pm
by Androo
"..we are guitar factory in China, we produce all kinds of electric guitar, electric bass, shaped guitar..."

Unless you're willing to take the risk of throwing the money away I would not. I'd bet it won't look like the picture or play like you want, and if you do get it it will probably take a long time. Plus it's a Chinese knock-off; a thing I wouldn't support. Still, you might get lucky.