So here's mine. 2008 I think. Heather Grey. From what I know its a cedar body.
Really haven't been able to find much about it. Bought it a few years ago, from a guy with way too many guitars who didn't play it. I have way too many guitars, but I play all of them

Haven't seen others. On the old Parker forum, someone mentioned seeing a handful on a tour of the Washburn run factory. They were supposed to be Spanish Flys, but they had either ugly tops or a small defect. Mine has a small patch on the back of the horn where someone didn't smooth out the carbon fiber before cooking. Rather than scrap it and eat the cost, they were each painted a different color and sold. Their guess was 5.
Anyone have any info? Any search I've done on Cedar Parkers just brings up the old Reverb listing for this guitar (no I didn't pay the asking price

Anyway, plays great, sounds great, and I love the color.