OK so 1st Off there are NO Left Handed Parker Flys Made, Didn't Know that, Never seen one before.
Just imagine the software redesign of the CNC in reverse & the template being used upside down on the body carve process.
And then the swing machine of the neck before the fret board being applied & ?? Reverse trem system or make it a hard tail.
Cutting a special LH Nut by hand with nut files & then cutting of the control cavity & pickup holes etc.
YEAH they would have told Jimi NO WAY!! That would have been a $20,000 guitar back then.. Worth $100,000 Today.. Sold for $4000 back Then..
WOW never thought of a LH Parker.. Jimi would have been playing a Steinberger LH with a Trans Trem..

That checker Board Fly's Paint job is Fantastic..
I was into Art & Auto Body & can see how that was done with tape & a spray gun & Talent..
NOTE: EVHs Fly has a White Nut, Not Black = Custom Hand Cut Bone Nut.. With Cigarette Holder Option..

Or Photo Shopped
That Bass?? No Idea what or why??
And you are correct @mmmguitar that Twang Master Modified Fly came out OK with the pickguard & spray job
I'll give you $40 for that because of the extra pickup just because.. HaHa!!
Need to call the guys at the Street Department as I got no guitars this week, Hey I have a $30 in CASH for some Gibsons or Fenders..
Their Boss is on Vacation in San Diego this week as it's my oldest Son's Girlfriend's Brother.. "Were are my Guitars?" I asked nicely!!
Need to remember to have a Takamine Headstock Logo Made in Gold for when I repair the headstock on that Takamine New Yorker while I'm having the Steinberger Logo made in white for my Son's XP-2 Steinberger Basses Pickguard, Local Sign Company & the new fangled software & printer with razor blades in it.. = Easy Job for them or order them from eBay.. Headstock is already glued up with Titebond..
Also need acoustic light gauge strings.. .011"-.047" = Less Tension..
I also have a 1994 Les Paul Studio Lite M-III that I need to finish the paint work on hiding a headstock break, I have $400 in that guitar..