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Damage to Fly from Broken Spring

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:48 pm
by vjmanzo

My team and I are looking for examples of damage to the Fly resulting from the flat spring breaking. If you have any pictures and narrative describing damage to your Fly as a result of the spring breaking, would you kindly post those here?

In particular, we are looking for photos of damage to the wood inside the bridge cavity and, if applicable, photos of any damage to the front of the guitar where the springs broke through the wood.

Thank you!

Re: Damage to Fly from Broken Spring

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 8:45 am
by InsideInfo
Oh man, you got me nervous!

Is this something you've heard much about? Actual damage from the spring breaking? Am I any safer not using the tremolo at all and just keeping the fixed position or do they snap for no reason at all? I'm reeeaaally trying to put the spring out of my mind lol but... thanks man.

Re: Damage to Fly from Broken Spring

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 9:18 am
by vjmanzo
Haha no real cause for alarm :lol:

Damage to the body due to a spring snapping is rare; it’s more likely that the spring would just snap and fall apart. However, there are a few known instances where a broken spring did, in fact, shoot through the front of the guitar. :shock:

We’re mostly just looking to gather any info on this that we can.