Here's some more fun: a skilled guitarist playing a Parker on the street (I think it is downtown Vancouver BC) for fun, and a not-so-stable guy thinks he is not really playing. Don't usually see Parkers being played on street corners.
Re: Need help identifying my new Fly
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 9:32 am
by Patzag
FlyFan wrote: Thu Jan 05, 2023 7:39 pm
Hello Patzag
Thanks for checking in.
I have Ms. Butternut dialed in, and have been enjoying her greatly. Everything else I own seems so much heavier, after playing a Parker for a while! These are certainly amazing guitars, so far ahead of their time and haven't seen anything comparable since. I keep seeing Parkers on Reverb for eye-popping prices, but everything else is going up so why not Parkers.. Just like real estate, they are not being made anymore. The super-high-priced ones I noted on Reverb a few months back have not sold.
Ms. Butternut has been successfully integrated into my guitar harem, and seems to get along well with my other guitars. (There are long ones, tall ones, short ones, brown ones, black ones, round ones, big ones, crazy ones, etc. to paraphrase Eric Burdon haha) I suppose the Parker is a light one, possibly a crazy one
I recently welcomed a '95 MIJ TC-72 Tele into the harem, and swapped out the pickups with a new Fender CuNiFe humbucker and a matching Alnico 5 single coil taken off a Fender guitar for reasons unknown. For anyone with a post-79 US or MIJ reissue '72 series Tele, Fender has reissued CuNiFe wide-range humbuckers and they sound great IMHO! The matching Alnico 5 single coil is not available as a standalone pickup (yet) but I got lucky and found one.
Need to pay attention to all members of my modest guitar harem, but Ms. Butternut will certainly get lots of play time in the rotation. ~
Awesome! Glad you're enjoying your new girlfriend!
Re: Need help identifying my new Fly
Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:47 pm
by FlyFan
In case anyone has excess disposable income, there is a Butternut Fly on Reverb for ~$17K. Also a Butternut body blank for ~$2800, in case you own a computer-controlled machining setup, or otherwise feel inspired to roll-your-own.
There are several nice Fly's on Reverb now for surprisingly high asking prices, but only a few seem to have been sold over the last year or so. I suppose sellers are testing the market.