I'm getting ready to send my first pre-refine fly in to get painted! Super stoked, it's going to Lee Garver of GMW. I'll show the finished product here in 6 to 8 weeks (hopefully). I've managed to disassemble everything but these last two parts - the mono/stero button and the input jack. I do have the input jack tool for it but am unsure what exactly to do or if I need to desolder more stuff. With the mono/stereo button I'm guessing but am not sure, that i want to bend (straighten) what looks like a cotter pin and pull it out? Then pull out whatever is connected to the ribbon cable inside and then push the housing out? Any help much appreciated. And then to be really thorough if possible, can I remove the plastic battery housing? Is that glued in and would i risk breaking it? Should I leave that alone and just have Lee tape it up? Thanks!! Here's some pre paint pics: