Graph Tech Ghost Install Questions

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Graph Tech Ghost Install Questions

Post by Presence76 »

Hello again
I did look through all the helpful wiring diagrams, posts, etc here and that helped answer some questions.
I decided to keep my pawn shop special 2001 Classic and install a graph tech ghost (with the graph tech Parker saddles) what I understand (if I read correctly) if I want to keep the original Fly jack, I’d only be able to use it as mono-is that correct? I’d like to go stereo but I heard the smart switching can be glitchy.
Also-the three way switch for mag/both/piezo is super tiny. Is there a way I could keep the original? Could I unsolder the leads from the new small switch and solder them onto the old?
I think that’s it-as always - Thank you in advance!!
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Re: Graph Tech Ghost Install Questions

Post by vjmanzo »

Hi @Presence76; great to hear that the resources have been helpful.

The question is just if you can use your existing jack with the Graphtech, correct?

For the Fly jack, on pre-refined Flys, to my knowledge, there are actually two flavors: one is the very early jack, which handles the stereo switching differently from the later switchcraft stereo jack. So, on your 2001 pawn shop special Fly, you probably have a Switchcraft TRS (stereo) jack, which should work fine with the Graphtech Ghost system.

The Ghost System comes in a kit with all of the switches that will allow you to wire it in stereo; or, at least mine did back when I ordered mine. Maybe just check the details on the Graphtech website or from wherever you order it? Here are some of the wiring suggestions Graphtech proposes:
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