So I got a 2010 Fly Mojo recently, and I'm very much pleased with it, except... the saddles. The saddles were starting to show signs of corrosion, but worse, 14 years of gigging left deep grooves in them (alas, these aren't the stainless steel saddles from Ken Parker's days).
I originally posted a message asking about saddles and some forum members were really kind to say they had some spare ones if I wanted. I also tried contacting someone on Reverb who supposedly has a lot of Parker stuffs, but the negotiations there failed. I started out wanting to avoid the GraphTech saddles, but when an acquaintance of mine said he had some and I could have them for free, I couldn't pass on that.

So here is my short journey replacing those pesky saddles.
See? They looked awful!
First things first, I removed the strings, of course. And if at all possible, I never work with energized circuits, so, I removed the battery before starting!
Next, remove the spring, then 'rise' the bridge until it comes free. #PiezoIssues