True confession: "I screwed up!" Stepping out of the Deep Bandini pile, I'm looking to get cleaned up with a little advice. I wanted to run my Parkers through after market speakers for more enhancement. I knew the impedance rating of my amp and it should have been the very first thing to consider along with the following info. This 4 OHM rated amp has 2-12" speakers and I bought two 4 OHM rated speakers for it. Here is the hard truth I learned. Connecting two 4 Ohm rated speakers in parallel gives a 2 Ohm impedance to the amp. Connecting them in series gives an 8 OHM impedance to the amp. With a 4 OHM rated amp, the
lesser impedance of power into the speakers with 2 OHMS will drive the amp to put out much higher power with higher volume and possibly/likely amp failure. The
greater impedance of power into the speakers with 8 OHMS will drive the amp to put out higher power with less volume at the speakers without amp failure. The only workaround I have found is a Weber-Z Impedance Matcher for $200. For an additional $75, I could get the right matched set and use these speakers in my 4 OHM single speaker amps. None of this stuff costs a King's ransom. It just leaves a nasty thorn in my side.
I hereby confess my sin and ask for a remedy!