The original Tocos pot is linked as the “alt” option in the main post, but it’s been discontinued.
Are you looking for something to fit the footprint of your flex PCB?
The original Tocos pot is linked as the “alt” option in the main post, but it’s been discontinued.
Yes.vjmanzo wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 9:26 pm
Are you looking for something to fit the footprint of your flex PCB?
I plan to just cover those C rings with tape when I paint my Flysvjmanzo wrote: Sat Jul 15, 2023 7:50 pm you can raise the posts by turning a hex wrench under the bushings (back of your Fly) without the need to remove the c rings if you’re simply trying to remove the bridge.
Hi!White94FlyDeluxe wrote: Wed Jan 03, 2024 2:01 am Hello Fly lovers.
My story of interest in these fine instruments was seeing a Fly advertisement in Guitar Player in 1994 and was intrigued. So I soon ordered an all white 1994 Fly Deluxe which is in mint condition and I am still very happy to own.What an incredible guitar. I am a hobbyist/collector and am fortunate to own a 1953/'57 Les Paul conversion bought in 1977, a '67 Tele and an early Custom Shop relic Strat from '97 among others. Each are absolutely incredible instruments to play. But every time I play my Fly, I rediscover just how awesome the Parker Fly is. The tremolo is butter smooth, and the balance and tone you get between the mag and piezo pups is outstanding and so musically inspiring. And those stainless frets play and bend effortlessly like you're on ice skates.
But the one question I do have is about function of the magnetic pickup selector switch when in the middle position. When in the middle on mine, instead of what I would expect to be a good balance of both mag pups together, I get a sort of shrill half volume tone that is not very useful. I wasn't sure whether it was supposed to function as I would expect and activate both neck and bridge mag pickups. And it does this independent of whether I include the piezo or not with the other selector switch. And it means I never use that middle position.
I wondered if anyone else experienced this or had some perspective to share.
Much appreciated.
Extraordinarily easy.White94FlyDeluxe wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2024 6:47 pm Follow-up on the middle mag pickup selector switch mod to remove the split coil function and make it a normal join of both neck and bridge pickups. Is that mod easy and straight for a novice with a soldering iron or tricky or risky and you'd advise to take it in to a luthier?
vjmanzo wrote: Tue Dec 01, 2020 7:01 pm the pre-refined Fly frets are most likely similar in size to 6105 fret wire, which is standardized to .047" height and 095" width.