I'm having trouble figuring out the neck nut widths of different Parker models. There are some contradictions between models on the internet and I've looked at some Parker catalogs and they seem to always leave this specification out.
I am interested in the nut widths of the Parker P38 and P40, Nitefly, and Fly guitars from early on through 2003ish/the Ken Parker years. Personally I am most interested in 2003 and earlier P38 and P40s, and the NFV6, NFV7, NFV-SA, and NFV-M models of the Nitefly. Maybe someday I'll be able to afford a Fly model

From what I can tell via the internet, it looks like P series necks are 1 5/8" nut widths, Nitefly info is contradictory as I've seen rather thin to rather wide widths listed, and that Fly guitars have rather wide widths, like 1 11/16" nut widths. Anyway, I'd like to know for sure and am hoping someone here is knowledgeable on the topic. Thanks in advance!