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Post by rsdio »

It's great that we have a schematic for the Parker Fly, but it's a bit on the odd side. For folks who like transistor and op-amp circuits, this schematic is a little different, and thus difficult to understand. It seems to be oriented more for figuring out what little point-to-point wiring is in the stock Fly, rather than showing the typical signal flow. The oddest part is the transistor symbol, which is missing the mark for the emitter, which also makes it almost impossible to distinguish NPN from PNP.

We've made a few comments about the schematic in other topics, so I'm creating this topic to stay focused on the schematic.

Note that when I wrote to Fishman and asked for a schematic, they sent the same image that JMStaehli claims to have reverse engineered. That's a bit odd.

In any event, I've been recreating the schematic in a more standard format, and hope to publish that here. I still need to figure out a few of the transistors before it's complete.
Fly Deluxe '97, Fly Supreme '98
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Re: Schematic

Post by vjmanzo »

This is great news, @rsdio! :o Thanks for taking this on and making thus available to the community.
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