Hello all! I am 55 now. In my 20's I was a prolific player. I ran a small studio, 8 track tape in the 90's, that made money. Now I play more for my own inkling, but I built this. Basically, a decent pre-amp, into a limiter, into a couple of interfaces and amp. I have NO experience with the PUSH II but feel that it's basically an 8-channel recorder/sampler.

I am a tape snob. I ran a Tascam TSR 8 and outboard effects, through an actual board. But I am jumping into Ableton Live 11 and was wondering if VJ would be open to sharing his knowledge and experience with Ableton? No PRESSURE

I have seen a video of yours and it was helpful but, it was deep. I don't know if it would be helpful for others, but I was hoping to open a discussion on Ableton here...