vjmanzo wrote: Wed Nov 09, 2022 1:54 pm
I’ve been wondering if screwing a strap pin directly into the neck joint is really as cringey as I think it is. Intuitively, it seems like that’s a mistake, but I don’t really know for sure if it would make a difference.
I also don’t know if the Fly would balance
better for that point…
Exactly.There are very few reasons to do this to a perfectly balanced Fly. This came down to a user preference (unless that previous owner was very oddly shaped).
Edit: Perhaps this was a misguided attempt to fix the top horn chest poke? However, I have never heard of someone having such an issue playing standing up.
On some other (unbalanced) guitars, moving the strap button may seem like a good idea. However, it isn’t always that simple. On neck heavy instruments, you’d want it to be in line (or as close at possible) to the 12th fret (e.g. strap pin extender). So the strap pin goes up, not down. However, if one feels like moving the strap pin around for fun… it sure doesn’t help with the resale value.
You can’t always fix a bad design...or at least not without looking like a real winner:
Van Halen already parachuted themselves to a gig….