Magnetic Pickup Push/Pull Tone Pot 250k and coil split

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Magnetic Pickup Push/Pull Tone Pot 250k and coil split

Post by kylkrstng »


Sorry if this has been discussed somewhere else on the forum but I could not find it. I have two Parker Fly guitars: one 1994 hard tail and one 1995 with a tremolo. I believe they are both Fly Deluxe models. I have read, on more than one occasion, that there is a push pull pot on the tone control that splits the coils. My guitars do not have that feature and I wish they did. When I go to the center position of the mag selector, my coils are split on my pickups. I would like the ability to choose between dual coil and split coil. Is there a mod I can do to make this happen? Can anyone shed any light on this subject?
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Re: Magnetic Pickup Push/Pull Tone Pot 250k and coil split

Post by vjmanzo »

hi @kylkrstng; coil-splitting was only available for Seymour Duncan equipped Flys (Mojo, later-Flys).

I’m not entirely sure of what’s involved in using your existing pickups in this way because I’ve never done this, but, I believe it will require you to ditch the flex-ribbon cable and implement point-to-point wiring.

Others here may have a more informed perspective. Good luck in any case!
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Re: Magnetic Pickup Push/Pull Tone Pot 250k and coil split

Post by jb63 »

Long answer: That sweet center position is also out of phase. I believe it is my favorite but maybe not for everyone, since the change to seymour duncans with the power chip made for a more traditional approach to humbuckers, the push/pull knob on the mojo selects single or double coils.

So you would need to ditch the the original circuit board and swap it out with a powerchip to get that.

I don't think you can do it otherwise, but it MUST be possible to add a switch for this but haven't seen it happen with the original pots.

Short answer: you should be able to do this, but its tricky and no one has posted a schematic!
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Re: Magnetic Pickup Push/Pull Tone Pot 250k and coil split

Post by kylkrstng »

Thanks jb63. I am actually taking my Fly into my guitar tech next week. He has been shut down for a while because of Covid-19. He will remove the circuit board, rewire PTP and I am having him install a Powerchip. I too love the single coil out of phase sound but I would not mind having the balls of two humbuckers to choose from also. I am wondering if that would just be a matter of installing a switch. If so, would that switch still keep the pups out of phase when in single coil position?
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Re: Magnetic Pickup Push/Pull Tone Pot 250k and coil split

Post by jb63 »

Make sure you you have him CAREFULLY remove that stuff as to not damage the board and the ribbon. You can get a couple hundred for those parts if you an deliver them in working order.
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Re: Magnetic Pickup Push/Pull Tone Pot 250k and coil split

Post by kylkrstng »

The reason I'm having him remove the board is because it is not working. Otherwise, I would leave it be.
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