Strange Clicking noise is driving me mad

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Strange Clicking noise is driving me mad

Post by Wheresthedug »

Hi Guys

I had some electrical issues with my 1997 Fly Deluxe earlier this year. One of them was due to a faulty piezo saddle which I replaced and that fixed the problem. However, I still have the other issue which affects only the magnetic pickups. Now that everything else is working fine this mag pickup problem is driving me crazy.

I have made a video to demonstrate it.

Has anyone else ever experienced this clicking noise and if so how did you fix it?

If not, can anyone with knowledge of the schematic figure out what would be causing it?

I love the guitar but at the moment it is basically unusable due to the noise.


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Re: Strange Clicking noise is driving me mad

Post by Wheresthedug »

A quick update.

I tried replacing the output jack in case it was faulty. The socket was definitely loose and the guitar lead would slip partway out unless hooked tightly between my strap and the guitar body.

The new output jack has solved the looseness problem but the clicking is still as bad as ever unfortunately.
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Re: Strange Clicking noise is driving me mad

Post by vjmanzo »

Is it potentially the grounding in your house/studio? In other words: does the problem persist when the guitar/amp/chain is connected to a different power source?
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Re: Strange Clicking noise is driving me mad

Post by Wheresthedug »

It doesn’t domit with any other guitar though.

I have had the electrics checked by an electrician because I was having a problem with an amp a couple of years ago, the electrics checked out fine the amp had an issue which my tech resolved.

Grounding issues in houses are relatively rare in the UK. I know you guys in the states has a terrible time with it but our power is much more stable and less dirty. It always amazes me when I see how many people in the US have a Furman power conditioner in the rack as such things are pretty rare over here.
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Re: Strange Clicking noise is driving me mad

Post by rsdio »

Cell phones and modern watches, along with various other electronics can emit magnetic fields that might be picked up by the guitar's electronics. Looks like your watch is not a crazy bluetooth gadget, but I guess what I'm leading to is: Does this clicking occur in any other location besides your home studio? Ideally, take the guitar somewhere else where there are no other electronics in common, and see if it still clicks. Perhaps you've already done this when sending the guitar to your tech.
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Re: Strange Clicking noise is driving me mad

Post by Wheresthedug »

Thanks @rsdio

I have tried with my phone on Airplane mode etc but it was still clicking. It isn't clicking anymore at the moment but will be keeping a close eye on when and where it happens to try and isolate anything that might be causing interference.

Regarding the watch. I actually have the opposite problem. I find that the ticking from my traditional watches actually comes through the pickups on most of my guitars when playing with any significant level of gain. :lol:
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