Fly Bronze Blue

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Fly Bronze Blue

Post by Mike987 »

Hey man there’s a blue bronze fly that’s listed on reverb that the pics looks suspiciously like the same room your pics of your Parker’s on your website. I know you’re legit, but I’m wondering if you know anything about this guitar or the guy selling it?

If I can get the funds together, I’m considering buying it but I don’t want to get ripped off.
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Re: Fly Bronze Blue

Post by vjmanzo »

Yes, good eye! 😊

I sold that instrument to @DanSchafer some time ago and those were the photos I sent him that I took personally. It’s a good instrument, but I could not intonate it properly with any strings heavier than phosphor bronze 10s, which Dan knew when he bought it from me. There is also a part of the back paint that was coming off—just the paint.

I sold it to Dan, primarily, because he had asked for my help finding a Fly Bronze (as opposed to a Fly Concert) and I already have two Fly Concerts, so this one went to him. We agreed on a price that we considered reasonable and worked it out without going through a platform like Reverb or eBay.

Though he and I have never met in person, Dan is a good guy IMO and a knowledgeable performer. My understanding is that he had asked his tech to address both the setup limitations I described and the paint issue, but I obviously haven’t seen/played it myself, and, of course, I have no involvement in his current sale efforts. As a testimony to Dan’s character, however, I will say that he called me on the phone to let me know that he had decided to sell the Fly—he didn’t have to do that, but it was considerate and kind.

If you’re interested in this, I would consider making him an offer. Others on another part of the internet advised him on that current asking price as he described in the listing, but he is clearly open to offers.

Good luck!
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Re: Fly Bronze Blue

Post by Mike987 »

Oh ok thanks man! That makes me feel a lot better! I kept saying to my wife “that’s the same room! I know it!” Glad to know I’m not losing my mind haha. I appreciate it VJ. I got super excited when I saw a blue bronze fly for sale. The bronze and nylon fly are two of my dream guitars!
2x p30, 2x p32, 3x p36, 3x p38, 7x p40, 2x p42, 6x p44, 2x nitefly, fly mojo, 2xfly bronze, 3x hornet bass, fly classic, fly deluxe, nitefly midi
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Re: Fly Bronze Blue

Post by vjmanzo »


I love that and I’m honored that you visited my little slice o’ the internet to see my Flys 😊
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Re: Fly Bronze Blue

Post by DanSchafer »

I have reached out to Mike & VJ is a GREAT CAT!
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