Pickup replacement in a fly

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Pickup replacement in a fly

Post by Ondoid »

I love my Seymour Duncan’s but I never plan on selling this guitar so I’m curious if I decide one day to put different pickups in my fly if it’s possible? I know The guys at Ed roman can install Seymour Duncan’s in place of the Dimarzios in the pre refined flys but when it comes to pickups in these guitars I’m not sure what’s possible. If one day I’d like to add Dimarzio super distortions would this be possible? Pickups are beyond my skill level so I’d definitely get someone else to do it. Im even considering getting some pre refined Dimarzio pickups in case anything happens to mine. Im in it for the long haul with this guitar so I’m trying to stock up on springs and an extra set or two of pickups. Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
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Re: Pickup replacement in a fly

Post by mmmguitar »

Your Duncans mount differently from Dimarzios (some screws will need to be swapped if you want to install a Dimarzio), but MJ at Duncan will wind you whatever you want; and any tech willing to swap pickups in your Fly can reference this thread as well as reach out to any of us here for pertinent info. You can mount nearly any pickups you want in a Fly, provided you or the manufacturer are willing to make the necessary modifications (Any “trembucker”-spaced Duncan can be installed in your Mojo after some minor modification).

Here’s a luthier documenting the SD pickup mounting in a Mojo:

Summary of the Parker Guitars speculator market from 2020 onward: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_fool_theory
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