While I agree with Pat’s sentiments, it seems Madhatter10-6 may share my nature as a relentless tinkerer and tone-chaser.
Madhatter10-6 wrote: Fri Oct 07, 2022 9:57 am
Did you change yours out? If so to what and did you like them? From what I can tell its removing factory and soldering two wires so I am comfortable with doing that myself.
If you replace the pickups in what I assume is the stock '90s circuit, you’ll be replacing the start, finish, and series-connected wires of each pickup on the (I
think) 4P3T selector switch (which grounds the series connections for “inner coils in parallel” in the middle switch position) and the baseplate ground wires soldered to one of the pot casings.
This thread details swapping pickups in a Ken-era Fly (though many of the posts pertain to swapping in a different brand).
Most of my guitars have different pickups; and perhaps one of these days

I’ll finally finish recording demos for the ones I have in my Flys (I seem to jinx any project I mention on this site by not getting around to it until
at minimum a year later).
My Flys have or have had Dimarzio Fly Gen 1s and 2s modded and in different positions, Gravity Storm set, PAF Joe in neck and bridge, PAF Master in neck, Bluesbucker in neck and bridge, Sustainiac in neck, Dimarzio Air Classic in bridge, and Vintage Vibe 12k humbucker in bridge. Though I still may have managed to forget some, I’ve also previously owned a Mojo with a Duncan JB/Jazz combo.
The short of it is that I prefer low output pickups in a Fly because these guitars tend to reflect a ton of energy back into the strings and induce more voltage in a passive pickup than I find my traditionally built guitars do.