Greetings All,
1. @VJmanzo. Hi! . Yep. I checked them before I posted. They are already completely down

. But good to ask

I had a chuckle at "icicles". . To "me", they sound like a hand grinder on metal

I have hearing loss so ....
2. @All - I emailed DiMarzio yesterday. Will post what I find out.
3. @billy - Yeah, I've spent three weeks twiddling volumes and tone and going through all the presets on my GT-1000 and S-Gear. "Sometimes" I can make it sound like I like, but not completely...and that gets into my brain after a while. Don't want to do any surgery in case I sell...
4. @Greggsaab - Nope. It "was" a Reverb listing though... from Indiana. Bought it on the 4th of Sept.
5. @mmmguitar - Thanks for the tip about going darker than I might think. Good to know. Yeah I like the "hollow" PAF tone I get from SD Cool Rails and Lil 59's. I gave that info in my email so waiting to hear back from them. I emailed sales@dimarzio. You mention a "Steve". Have an email address for him in case sales does not respond in a timely manner?
Really appreciate the feedback and great info. Truly. I gratefully all the help I can get

Will post again when I have heard back from DiMarzio.
Best Regards/Best Wishes!