Missing: charge of battery bulb.

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bob dress
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Missing: charge of battery bulb.

Post by bob dress »

I am working on a Fly #223035BP and I need to replace the bulb on the back that shows the charge of the 9volt battery.
I've tried to download two photos that show the bulb holder but haven't been able to. One of the photos shows the numbers 103 30 on the base. There are two parts to the bulb holder, the top piece has an arrow on it and can be turned 90 degrees. The base is an octagonal shape. Both pieces are white.


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Re: Missing: charge of battery bulb.

Post by bob dress »

Actually, I goofed. After closer examination, I realize that the previous bulb was soldered into the circuit board just below the white plastic adjustment knob.
Now I need to know what kind of bulb is needed. And find someone to solder it for me.

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Re: Missing: charge of battery bulb.

Post by vjmanzo »

Hi @bob dress, welcome to the forum! Glad you’re here.

Others may have experience replacing that bulb, but I’m wondering if it’s possible to tap some current off the circuit board and route it to a new led bulb (leaving the existing bulb intact) as a test. I’ve never tried this myself, but that’s where I’d start.

You’ve seen our electronics schematics page, correct?
bob dress
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Re: Missing: charge of battery bulb.

Post by bob dress »

V.J. Good morning. I went through the schematics. I found Integrated Power Monitor but no mention of bulb type. I assume it's a 9volt???? I really don't know. The original is missing.
I realize the white plastic knob with the arrow is probably the Piezo Trim but I've turned it around and am not sure how to adjust it correctly. Jeez, maybe I'm out of my league on this.

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Re: Missing: charge of battery bulb.

Post by Wheresthedug »

I'm no electrical guru but it looks like a simple red LED. I noticed when I was changing my Piezo recently that one leg of the led on mine was broken away from the circuit board. I desoldered the other leg and removed it altogether. I then trimmed the little black plastic sheath that stops it shorting out and supplies support to keep it in the right pace to let both legs pop through again. I repositioned the existing led on the circuit board and resoldered. Everything works fine again.

If the led is properly blown I would try any small red led. they should only cost a few pence each from any decent online electrical supplier.
bob dress
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Re: Missing: charge of battery bulb.

Post by bob dress »

Thank you wheresthedug. I didn't even know what color of LED to order because the original one is gone. I'll check into ordering one and try it. Thanks. Bob
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Re: Missing: charge of battery bulb.

Post by vjmanzo »

Please keep us posted!
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Re: Missing: charge of battery bulb.

Post by rsdio »

bob dress wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:19 pm Thank you wheresthedug. I didn't even know what color of LED to order because the original one is gone. I'll check into ordering one and try it.
The color doesn't really matter so much as the voltage. If the replacement has a lower voltage, then it will use more current, but since the LED only stays on for a second it's not really going to kill your battery. If the replacement has a much higher voltage, it won't turn on at all. Many different colors have the same voltage anyway, which is why I say it doesn't matter.

As was mentioned, your original LED may still be good. It might just be a loose connection. It's easy to bend when removing and replacing the cover.
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