They are sending me two stabilizer nylon bushings & the two new bearings for the tremolo next week
I picked up the used board from a NightFly @ Maxwell's House of Music in Jeffersonville Indiana = FREE, THANKS MARK!
It's a different board than the one my 2007 Fly Deluxe Used BUT might just work out
Have to wait & see on that as I progress forward on the project
I have never gone to the Auto Body Paint shop to get the paint for the FLY YET!
Super Bowl Sunday Tomorrow = No Time to work on anything
The nightfly board is different than the Deluxe but am unsure if it can be used or not?
I will note than Mark @ WiGuitar/GmanMusic has three different boards on eBay for under $50 & inventory is drying up on the parts
I would never have been able to get the FLY to the stage I'm at without his stash of Parts = Thank You WiGuitar & GmanMusic
Has anyone here seen the three used Fly Tremolo Springs = 2x10 & 1-12 + five rubber knobs for $799 on Reverb? WOW!!

I Turned 56 on 1/27/22 = 1st One without my Twin Brother Jerry