I read in Ken's corner that He Said the Set Screw was 10-32x.250" with a .050" long hard plastic tip
Know the pre refined the bushing is stainless & on the refined they are polymer/plastic
Set screws I have seen for sale by GMan/WiGuitar on eBay & Reverb are a standard allen set screw like the one in my 2007 Deluxe
Just wondered if the one Ken was referring too was for the refined or pre refined??
My bushing is cracked & has a hole gouged threw it..
Had me wondering if I should make a small polymer extension to put in the hole first when my new bushing comes from GMan?
Here's the pictures Ken shared in that post about the set screw being rusted tight
Set Screw for Tremolo Arm
Re: Set Screw for Tremolo Arm
He is indeed referring to the original “pre-refined” version of the Fly. The absent plastic tip appears to be another one of the USM “refinements” as was the plastic bushing that has cracked.Fly Rod wrote: Sat Oct 02, 2021 4:34 pm Just wondered if the one Ken was referring too was for the refined or pre refined??
Re: Set Screw for Tremolo Arm
OK so in order to get it so the tension is adjustable I will have to "REFINE" it to do so.. GREAT!!
Photos to come of just how bad the bushing looks when I get the replacement & how I fixed it..
I'm thinking I will have to turn an area on the outside of the bushing to accept a metal sleeve maybe brass?
Or as I said above a polymer solid tube to fit within the hole to put pressure on the bar threw the hole it now has?
Possible spring in there too, Very small & short.. Or a .177 Copper BB
Hole should be .1875 if it's 10x so a .177 pellet or BB should be the exact fit..
I have never liked having my trem bar loose wobbling back & forth either
This must be addressed
Here's what the refined set screw looks like, Photo curtesy of Mike G.

Photos to come of just how bad the bushing looks when I get the replacement & how I fixed it..

I'm thinking I will have to turn an area on the outside of the bushing to accept a metal sleeve maybe brass?
Or as I said above a polymer solid tube to fit within the hole to put pressure on the bar threw the hole it now has?
Possible spring in there too, Very small & short.. Or a .177 Copper BB

Hole should be .1875 if it's 10x so a .177 pellet or BB should be the exact fit..
I have never liked having my trem bar loose wobbling back & forth either
This must be addressed
Here's what the refined set screw looks like, Photo curtesy of Mike G.
FLY ROD Formerly FLY Wheel
Re: Set Screw for Tremolo Arm on Refined Fly
OK I now SEE that the set screw is merely there to hold the bushing in place..
The new refined trem arm bushing appears to be a crafted one being it was turned on a lathe & the hole was drilled off center..
I will end up using the original bushing & screw but made a spacer to go between the screw & the bushing from a brass string ball end turned down on a toothpick in the dremel with a file.. That way I can tighten the grip the bushing has on the arm without destroying the plastic bushing..
Here's a few pictures of the two bushings, set screws & brass ball end on the toothpick..
Note: Elf Hammers
The new refined trem arm bushing appears to be a crafted one being it was turned on a lathe & the hole was drilled off center..
I will end up using the original bushing & screw but made a spacer to go between the screw & the bushing from a brass string ball end turned down on a toothpick in the dremel with a file.. That way I can tighten the grip the bushing has on the arm without destroying the plastic bushing..
Here's a few pictures of the two bushings, set screws & brass ball end on the toothpick..
Note: Elf Hammers
FLY ROD Formerly FLY Wheel