Blocking the Bridge of a Fly

Discussions of every Fly in every variation including Deluxe, Classic, Mojo, Artist, Supreme, Stealth, Concert/Bronze, and custom Flys
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Blocking the Bridge of a Fly

Post by vjmanzo »

Hey everyone,

In case anyone has similar interests in doing this, I got around to blocking the bridge of two of my Flys:
It's an easy swap for the spring; just looses the wheel, pop the spring, and put this in. Here are the dimensions of the wood block:
And, if you're not handy with wood, here's a Reverb luthier, John Guilford, who can make the pieces for you.

And if you want to plug the hole in your vibrato arm bushing (so you don't forget you did it and accidentally try to use the vibrato arm!), these 3/16" Black Hole Plugs from Widget Co. fit nicely in the round arm bushing, and decently (with a little angled-smushing) in a hex arm bushing:
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Re: Blocking the Bridge of a Fly

Post by Noodler »

That's pretty slick so that the wood block only replaces the spring. Here's another way using a simple block, but requires the removal of more "guts" in order to use a larger block like this:

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Re: Blocking the Bridge of a Fly

Post by vjmanzo »

Looks great!
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Re: Blocking the Bridge of a Fly

Post by Fly Rod »

I saw this one online, Not Mine But thought I'd share it..
That would be a lot of work cutting that notch in the large piece of thread all..
But with a cut off wheel in a grinder, Not So Much..
Here's the widget I fenagled up from scraps in the shop.. Piece of thread all, a Couple of nuts, & two aluminum threaded stops + a orange rubber C Clamp end cover cut to fit..
Fly Blocked Trem.JPG
A Block of wood looks very interesting to me..
Going to string it up here in a while.. It also needs one threaded lock for the Low E Sperzel Tuner..
Will more than likely trade it for the High E because I can get several wraps around the shaft with the .009" Compared to the .042"
Might go looking for a small allen bolt.. Need to just order one from Sperzel..
Just Joined the Forum This Morning & have been in the look for the parts to repair this Parker Fly..
It's Marked Parker Fly, BP USA Fly P0706055, Unsure if it's Korean or Indonesian? USA? Don't Think So?
I assume when the trem spring broke it knocked that big hole in the body of the guitar..
I've ordered the threaded bolt with the toothed slot & a T-Bar from eBay..
Will need a tremolo spring & tremolo arm + that adjustment Nut & ??
I had a large syringe with a spring inside cut to fit in place of the spring + parts..
Thought about a Steinberger trans trem spring or something similar..
Here's a Couple of Photos..
Gary/Fly Rod
FLY ROD Formerly FLY Wheel
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Re: Blocking the Bridge of a Fly

Post by vjmanzo »

That top photo is mine from the 12-string Fly project; it’s way overkill and I would have done it differently now, but it seemed right at the time 😊
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Re: Blocking the Bridge of a Fly

Post by mmmguitar »

Fly Rod wrote: Tue Sep 07, 2021 5:23 pm It's Marked Parker Fly, BP USA Fly P0706055, Unsure if it's Korean or Indonesian? USA? Don't Think So?
I assume when the trem spring broke it knocked that big hole in the body of the guitar.
It indeed is a USA Fly Deluxe. Unless I’m having a brain fart, the serial designates it as the fifth Fly produced in the Washburn custom shop in Buffalo Grove, Illinois on the day of June 5th, 2007. Do you intend to patch the hole with poplar while you wait for a 9 spring to become available, or are waiting until you have all the parts, first?
Summary of the Parker Guitars speculator market from 2020 onward:
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Re: Blocking the Bridge of a Fly

Post by Big Swifty »

@Fly Rod , loving that syringe/spring job!

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