New here! Can you help with a piezo issue?

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New here! Can you help with a piezo issue?

Post by t_whiston »

Hi! I'm new here, having just purchased a 2005 black refined fly. Overall it's in pretty good condition, amazingly the vibrato arm actually stays in place ;) but I have one strange issue, the G string piezo seems quieter than the other strings. It's not distorted or otherwise sounding "wrong" just quieter than the other strings. Would anyone have any good ideas about what this might be caused by or how I might be able to fix it? Thank you!
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One piezo is quieter than the others

Post by vjmanzo »

Hi @t_whiston; welcome!

That issue can happen sometimes if the piezo element in the saddle isn’t seated properly. You can try spraying it with compressed air and see if the part where the string hits the saddle is loose.

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Re: New here! Can you help with a piezo issue?

Post by Musikron »

Have you tried new strings yet? Best to rule out the simple stuff first. If you put a fresh set on when you bought it, put on another G string.
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Re: New here! Can you help with a piezo issue?

Post by mmmguitar »

+1 to the other responses: I’ve been using guitars with saddle elements from various manufacturers for eleven years or so, and the most common intermittent issue I’ve found across the board is elements needing to be reseated via light tapping or stretching and releasing the string near the saddle. The sad truth is that few saddle elements seem intended to last; so replacement of individual elements must always be considered an option. For me, it’s been a relief knowing that Graphtech still produces a Parker-specific part.
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Re: New here! Can you help with a piezo issue?

Post by t_whiston »

Hi all, thanks for the suggestions, I gave it some compressed air but everything looked solid and it didn't seem to make much of a difference.

I changed the strings when I first got it so it has some new elixir nanoweb 9's on it. I suppose I could try replacing the G again, but is there really a reason a single new string might be "off" in this way when used with a piezo?

I guess I will try some careful tapping of the bridge and stretch and release of the string next. How difficult is it to change a part of the saddle on the Fly? Do you need to take the whole bridge out? I'm not averse to getting my hands dirty and I'm fine with a soldering iron but taking apart the whole bridge on a guitar like this seems a bit of a daunting task!
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Re: New here! Can you help with a piezo issue?

Post by vjmanzo »

t_whiston wrote: Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:45 pm I suppose I could try replacing the G again, but is there really a reason a single new string might be "off" in this way when used with a piezo?
The piezo element needs to be as close to the string vibration as it can. If the element is not seated right in the saddle, or if the string is not pressing against the part of the saddle that rests on the element, then you might experience a drop in volume. In this regard, a string with reduced tension (either because of diameter or material or even by setup) might make a difference here.
t_whiston wrote: Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:45 pm How difficult is it to change a part of the saddle on the Fly?
It's not necessarily difficult, but it's a bit of a pain; there's not much length on the lead of the piezo element to the summing board, and the elements themselves really need to be seated properly, so if it is indeed the piezo element that is not working properly, then lots of people prefer to just switch to the Graphtech Fly saddles, which have the piezo elements seated properly from the factory.
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Re: New here! Can you help with a piezo issue?

Post by mmmguitar »

Though I don’t believe this is the case, I mention it for consideration:

Members of the Line 6 Variax community have anecdotally reported coated strings as interacting unpredictably with saddle elements. Speaking as someone who used Polyweb and Nanoweb strings exclusively with Fly and Variax instruments for many years, I never experienced such phenomena. Unfortunately, things seem to be pointing toward a fault in the element (or its soldering) itself.
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Re: New here! Can you help with a piezo issue?

Post by t_whiston »

If the element is not seated right in the saddle, or if the string is not pressing against the part of the saddle that rests on the element, then you might experience a drop in volume

Ok that makes sense, I've tried to reseat the string a few times but I will put a new string on just in case to see if there is any difference. Do you think there is any point trying something like a bit of deoxIT over that part of the saddle to clean it, or do I risk damaging the piezo element?
lots of people prefer to just switch to the Graphtech Fly saddles
Does this require changing the electronics as well? or can they just be soldered to the existing plate and use the existing preamp?
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Re: New here! Can you help with a piezo issue?

Post by t_whiston »

Members of the Line 6 Variax community have anecdotally reported coated strings as interacting unpredictably with saddle elements.
That's interesting. I suppose I will buy some non coated strings and try the G just to rule that out. However, I also fear that signs are pointing to some issue with the saddle itself, which I guess leads me towards replacing it. I'm very happy that it's possible to still easily buy a replacement for this!
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Re: New here! Can you help with a piezo issue?

Post by t_whiston »

So I've now tried some new strings (d'addario), compressed air and cleaning the saddle with deoxit and a toothbrush, none of these produced any kind of change in the volume of the string so I think it's going to have to be replacing the saddle. I can't find any individual elements for the refined fly to buy online, so I'm going to get the graphtech saddle and use it with the existing preamps. Hopefully this will solve the issue!
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Re: New here! Can you help with a piezo issue?

Post by mmmguitar »

@t_whiston, I understand if you’re wanting to correct this issue ASAP, or would just prefer to replace the saddle(s) now while one is out. But have you tried asking the Facebook groups or any members here if they have a spare they could part with? I myself have pre-refined and refined Fly saddles I intend to replace with Graphtech sets, and just haven’t gotten around to it, yet (my lists of projects run infinity-deep).
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Re: New here! Can you help with a piezo issue?

Post by t_whiston »

Hey @mmmguitar, Thanks for the suggestion. I'll definitely ask around on here for a spare part, as it would for sure be simpler to replace the one than the whole saddle. I can't ask on Facebook though because I don't have an account
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Re: New here! Can you help with a piezo issue?

Post by vjmanzo »

t_whiston wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:06 am I'll definitely ask around on here for a spare part
definitely a good idea; just make a new post in the classified section. Then you’ll at least have a page with a link that can be shared anywhere. I’m sure someone is looking to barter or sell something!
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