Parker Fly DIY Kits

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Parker Fly DIY Kits

Post by PatchworkBoy87 »

First time post, long time Parker fan. Currently I owner 2 P38s, and I used ot own a P42 and NiteFly (Sold them to pay for a wedding).

I was just wondering peoples thoughts on the Parker Fly DIY kits that seem to be kicking about now, including this one found on Etsy. ... ric-guitar

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Re: Parker Fly DIY Kits

Post by mmmguitar »

Well, this is the Fly clone board, after all.

Speaking for myself, the body shape is not the feature that draws me to play Flys. But if the shape is all a person cares about, then I guess those counterfeit kits (as well as the assembled versions you can find on AliExpress and eBay) come as close as they need to be. I’d personally be more on board with a kit that uses the Parker approach to lightweight materials and carbon reinforcement than one that only bothers to imitate the sternum-poker. Funnily enough, a Chinese company recently tried to do that, and failed miserably due to all the corners they cut (eg. carbon-impregnated plastic necks that were laughably unstable in comparison to cheap wood, all for the sake of having “carbon neck” as a marketing point).

I’ve seen some interesting homebuilt guitars with the Fly/Nitefly shape, but never one made from one of the kits with the Wilkinson or Gibson-style bridges. I don’t really know who the target demographic for them is.
Summary of the Parker Guitars speculator market from 2020 onward:
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Re: Parker Fly DIY Kits

Post by vjmanzo »

+1 for what @mmmguitar said!

Welcome, @PatchworkBoy87!
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Re: Parker Fly DIY Kits

Post by PatchworkBoy87 »

mmmguitar wrote: Thu Jan 28, 2021 5:49 am Well, this is the Fly clone board, after all.

Speaking for myself, the body shape is not the feature that draws me to play Flys. But if the shape is all a person cares about, then I guess those counterfeit kits (as well as the assembled versions you can find on AliExpress and eBay) come as close as they need to be. I’d personally be more on board with a kit that uses the Parker approach to lightweight materials and carbon reinforcement than one that only bothers to imitate the sternum-poker. Funnily enough, a Chinese company recently tried to do that, and failed miserably due to all the corners they cut (eg. carbon-impregnated plastic necks that were laughably unstable in comparison to cheap wood, all for the sake of having “carbon neck” as a marketing point).

I’ve seen some interesting homebuilt guitars with the Fly/Nitefly shape, but never one made from one of the kits with the Wilkinson or Gibson-style bridges. I don’t really know who the target demographic for them is.
@mmmguitar - I don't think we will be seeing much of a DIY composite carbon any time soon, but it would be the dream. I'm a fan of the shape and can tolerate not having the composite on there, hence enjoying my P-Series models to this day. Perhaps a halfway house would be a P-Series/NiteFly hybrid of sorts using a DIY kit or template?
vjmanzo wrote: Thu Jan 28, 2021 9:22 am +1 for what @mmmguitar said!

Welcome, @PatchworkBoy87!
Thank you @vjmanzo. :D I'm glad I found this place. I used to be on the official Parker forum under a different name, and while I did play a PRS SE for a while, my band mates said "Yeah, but its not a Parker. Parkers 'suit' you."
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Re: Parker Fly DIY Kits

Post by Mr303 »

I’ve seen many Chinese Parker’s over the years from kits to complete guitars and not one will ever equal the original (or the Indonesian Parker’s).
So I just waste money on beer and women and am much happier in the long run.... :D
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