First excuse my unperfect english. Imagine i write it with ze frentche aksent

So happy i just discovered this website today.
Lemme introduce me : almost 50, living in the Medoc region in France, near Bordeaux.
I am the owner of a 2009 Fly deluxe i deeply love and with which i made huge progress on playing the instrument.
But 5 years ago i had to put her in its case after a first fret felt, and no one could fix it.
I had basic skills in lutherie, but not the knowledge about parker guitars.
A famous luthier in France succeeded in reglueing the fret as well as fixing some delaminating of the fret board.
But few months after... other frets started to unglue.
I recently did the process myself, using cyanocrylate with success, except some fret buzzing i should take care of soon.
Found new Parker fretwire as well as 3 fingerboards just in case.
played again with this marvelous instrument 3 hours yesterday, and maaaan. So happy.
And i was just looking for advices when i discover this website. Hoping to be able to take care of this instrument, or any other i could buy.
My questions are mostly about the knowledge around the fretboard and frets replacement process, how handle the finish on the fretboard borders, the anatomy of the fretboard itself, as well as its cleaning or even fixing the fretboard on a very small dent.
Anyway... again so happy for this website initiative as i love this instrument. Happy to read from you all.
Take care.