well after nearly finishing my second fly's mod...
it's time to make a post with all the parts and how too for all interested ...
the Mod is not complicated and no new holes need to make...
only one hole wider for the separate hexpander piezo's.
got my hands on a SY-1000 from Boss... the new git synth...
was playing AxeFX since beginning...
a friend has a Midi guitar and we did session...
i'll loved the machine so much that i'll bought it and the GK pickup tooo..
well GK on Fly is a no go for me... it looks ugly and disturbs my playing ...
so did research and found Hexpander who does the trick...
i'll love my fly's and the idea is to build all back without problems...
so i'll look for solutions and this is what i'll used:
1. Ghost System complete with piezo
2. Bare Knuckle Juggernaut Bridge pickup... they make a special version for me that fit's into the fly... extra cost 10 pound
3. Hipshot Open Gear Black Locking Tuner with UMP ... no new holes to make... now used Graphtech with second Fly ... the best!
4. CTS push/pull for Vol, Tone, Midi Vol -> Single/Humbucker, Series/Parallel, Phase
5. New C&K Toggle for Pickup Select, MIDI/Mag/Both and a (on)off(on) Toggle for midi up/down...
6. Locking Killswitch to bypass/silence entire system ... here i'll replace the power on/off with a new black one with blue dimmable led if on...
7. Point-to-point with Passive Electronics wiring ... Seymour Duncan wiring
8. 13 pin replaced with 14 pin -> will use old battery plate for connection... new Plate with hole was easy to do...
new 14 pin professional connection Hexpander Midi adapter .. with my own cables from the 14 pin first testing... new copper shield ... a must when you have it open... now it's absolute quiet finished... with blue led light when connected... dimmable...
controls... all i'll need...
Master Vol, Master Tone, Midi Vol, Pickup toggle, MIDI/Booth/Pickup toggle, MIDI UP&Down replaces the old Piezo Vol all toggles and 14 pin you can get @ Mouser ...
C&K Pickup Toggle: 7203T1CGE (ON/ON/ON)
C&K MIDI/Booth/Pickup Toggle 7211T1CGE (ON/OFF/ON)
14 Pin male: 523-T3650-005
14 pin female: 523-T3653-004
LED push btn @ Amazon ... 10mm
well the toggles are also available in black... so..
i'll ordered for my black fly the black toggles... when they arrive in april.. lol ... yes it takes so long to produce... will show
i'm the only one who need this special toggles in black

C&K Pickup Toggle Black 7211T1CWZQE22 (ON/ON/ON)
C&K MIDI/Booth/Pickup Black 7103T1ZQE22 (ON/OFF/ON)
C&K MIDI UP&Down Black 7105T1CWCBE22 (ON)OFF(ON)
so far after 2 weeks testing... amazing... the best mod you can do...
analog is full functional... and no damage to the fly... no battery anymore

if i'll would recreate the fly for the future...
more pictures and wiring coming soon...
hope you like it...
