Volume knob placement

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Volume knob placement

Post by InsideInfo »

I searched a bit for "knob" and didn't see anyone talking about this so forgive me if it's been mentioned.

So, I literally have only one issue for the Fly, the placement of the volume knob. With a closed hand, palm mute picking style I find it impossible to alternate pick the high strings without hitting the volume knob. I had my original Parker for a day before tucking the tone knob in the body and putting the volume pot in it's position and I'm ready to do this on the one I just picked up. I suppose with a open hand picking style it's possible. Other than an empty hole showing it doesn't bother me to workaround it. The only other guitar model that comes immediately to mind which has this close of a placement of the volume knob to the hand is the ibanez Jem Steve Vai model. Obviously a ton of these are sold so I feel in the clear minority on this issue lol.

I'm just curious, am I the only one who this bothers? I'm all ears! it's a testament though to how great this guitar is that I don't mind riding around with a hole in it 🤣 Thanks.
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Re: Volume knob placement

Post by vjmanzo »

Hey @InsideInfo—yes, I’ve heard of others tucking the master volume knob inside the guitar, carefully strain-relieving the Flex PCB, and plugging the hole (Lowes sells small hole plugs that are useful).

I personally don’t mind the master volume knob in that location because it’s easy to do volume swells with it, but I understand that others felt the same as you. I have whacked my hand into that master knob a few times—I don’t recall doing that on my refined Fly (the refined Fly has only one volume knob in a different location).

The Fly Concert is pretty interesting—only two knobs way out of the way!
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Re: Volume knob placement

Post by InsideInfo »

Thanks man I was just hoping I wasn't totally alone ;) I'll poke around Lowes and see if I can find something to plug it up. Though I don't play out so no one really to impress hehe.
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Re: Volume knob placement

Post by vjmanzo »


I ordered these:

https://www.lowes.com/pd/Hillman-2-Pack ... ug/3013226

When last I measured: all pots have a 3/8” hole; all switches have a 7/16” hole, and the red piezo switch cavity is a 1/2” hole
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