vjmanzo wrote: Thu Sep 24, 2020 11:21 pm
the live music scene is in such a bad way financially right now, I’m having trouble finding a coin to unscrew my battery compartment!
Pretty much all of the arts are a mess for the future as far as I can see, but nobody seems to be unloading their rare fly stash, so I guess we were correct, they are all in the hands of collectors!
Meanwhile, I will play ii-v-i or even the girl from ipanema on my fly for $2.
vjmanzo wrote: Fri Oct 11, 2019 11:21 pm
Cool workaround! Makes sense. Thanks for the thoughts on this; we'll kick the idea around a bit.
Thanks for the offer about the cover--we have the cover modeled and I'm actually going to 3D print a few of those in the next couple weeks (anyone need one?! I seem to recall someone on the OF mentioning they needed one ). Does "the piece it fits into" you're referring to include frame that goes around it? We haven't modeled that or the thing that goes inside the body yet; I may PM you about that at some point.
I could actually use a cover. The Fly Deluxe I just picked up has holes drilled in the part. Is it possible to get a replacement?
jb63 wrote: Fri Oct 11, 2019 11:08 pm
I have an extra battery cover with the piece it fits into, all removed and cleaned up if you need to use it for fabricating something new.
I have never ever had to change a battery mid-set. Mostly because I'm obsessive and keep testing them. I still haven't moved to rechargeable, though!
The biggest issue I have is pulling the battery out. It tends to get a little stuck and I have to shake it and slap the fly to get it out enough to get a grip on it. I solved this problem by using an actual ribbon slip around it, between the connector snaps, when sliding the battery into the cavity and then when i open the cover, just grab the ribbon and it pulls right out.
Pics on demand!
Any interest in selling your extra if you still have it?
Hi @DavidE; we're working on making some more of these parts available, but have mostly been focusing on springs and flex PCBs these days. We hope to post some updates soon, but in the meantime it might be best to try to trade/barter/buy the missing part as you suggested in your most recent post.
I realized I never answered the snap tabs question.
I think squeeze snaps could be a good idea. I’m not sure the cavity has an appropriate lip to provide a catch, but that could be added without too much trouble.
However atm I’m thinking that neodymium magnets might be a good way to do this, with maybe a fingernail notch on the side of the cover to allow a way to pry it off. The existing screw holes could be used for a set screw to stick the magnet to.
Apologies if someone already mentioned that somewhere.
billy wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 12:24 am
I’m not sure the cavity has an appropriate lip to provide a catch, but that could be added without too much trouble.
We started barking up that tree and decided to go the magnet route in lieu of adding something.
billy wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 12:24 am
I’m thinking that neodymium magnets might be a good way to do this, with maybe a fingernail notch on the side of the cover to allow a way to pry it off.
Great minds, Billy! We have a design that involves magnetizing the screw that goes in the insert—hoping to make some headway on that soon too!
Awesome VJ! I think there are certain types of SS that are magnetic already. But a regular black oxide steel set screw should fit the existing holes in the body, and without the head you can adjust the depth as needed.
There is this great product if you can find one. It is the Keith McMillen Batt-O-Meter. It's very small and besides testing all kinds of small batteries, it has a short cable with a 1/4" male connector to slip right into you input jack and it will test your battery just like that. Coolest thing ever. There is a PDF at this link so you can see it. It's definitely made my Fly life easier, including my Ibanez basses with no battery access boxes.
Hi, I'm new here. I have seen this compartment in status "modelled" and because I have lost the compartment of my nightfly I want to ask if and where I can download the file for 3d-printing?