Search found 2 matches

by Jesús Barrera
Tue Jun 06, 2023 3:07 pm
Forum: Classifieds
Topic: WTB 9, 10 springs [Spain, EU]
Replies: 2
Views: 1755

Re: WTB 9, 10 springs [Spain, EU]

Hello mmmguitar.
Sorry for my English, it's not good. I hardly have adequate control over how I interact around here, but hey I hope to do the best I can.
The truth is that I don't have a spring because I had one of 0.10 and it broke. Let me explain: I bought my guitar second, third, or fourth hand ...
by Jesús Barrera
Mon Jun 05, 2023 11:37 am
Forum: Classifieds
Topic: WTB 9, 10 springs [Spain, EU]
Replies: 2
Views: 1755

WTB 9, 10 springs [Spain, EU]

Hi everyone.
I am new in the forum, I am from Cantillana (Seville), Spain, and I would like know where I could to buy a spring tremolo 0.10 and other 0.09 for my Parker Fly Classic (Ken Parker age). I only see them in some shops foreing (no Spanish) with abusive prices in my opinion (100 € more or ...